Sliding Insect Screens

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Tuba Deluxe Sliding Insect Screen System consists of aluminum profiles. With the special bearing system, this insect screen can be opened and closed by one finger. With development of 3 different rail systems, it is possible to assemble this system to all doors and windows.

A special breaking and locking system is developed in Tuba Deluxe System to prevent the screening sash from hitting the rail profile hard while closing and preventing the sash from coming off the rails in windy weather. In this way, this system can be used longer.

There are 3 different rail systems.
Areas of Usage:

Narrow Rail: Volkswagen sliding, Hebes- chiebe sliding, Double Sliding, Double Sash Inside Opening Door, Double Sash Sliding

Wide Rail: Basic sliding, basic double sliding, Double Sash Sliding

Double Rail: Double sash inside opening door

Standard Colors: Ral 9016-9010-9001 and 7016
Other Ral colors are available at an additional cost


Technical Drawings


Standard Colors

RAL 7016

RAL 9001

RAL 9010

RAL 9016

Other Ral colors are available at an additional cost.